Steven @Steven-Polley

Age 33, Male


Joined on 2/3/09

Exp Points:
1,226 / 1,350
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Vote Power:
5.32 votes
Police Lieutenant
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STOP DOING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was waiting for ur 4th generic song to be done, without the beer quote :P

at least say why, or try to fix it, not just leave/delete stuff.

BECAS and I'll send it to you when it's done. Re-doing an old track first though.



I forgive you.

Good thing too.

so why is it a joke

Well, a serious answer:

I don't mean to offend anybody, or the overall community here, but this is just 100% my honest opinion...

I'm not complaining when I say this either, as it really is beyond anyone's control, but lets face facts. The Audio Portal is so out of balance. There are sooo many crap submissions that make best of all time, most of which were made by an artist who I would barely consider to use the term "artist". They have no concept of music thoery, although theory behind something is not all that important in comparison some other things. If not that, then the artist is lacking emotion in their song, or even technical aspects such as mixing, which often takes years to get good at.

Now I am just generalizing here, but it seriously makes me ANGRY every single time that a decent song has a score of less than 3.00, and is essentialy burried by two votes of 0, and never surfaces again. One of the causes of this is that there simply is not enough people voting on the AP. And most of the people who do vote are artists themselves, not casual listeners, which means many are jealous and just mindlessly vote 0.

The flash portal draws in the attention of many people who have never seen the development environment of flash before, and thus results in fair(er) voting amoung the masses.

Aside from the unfair voting system, I used to submit my music here so that I could learn, in order to make myself better. I've gotten like... maybe one useful review after countless hours of work, and several songs. I just don't see the point of the audio portal on the artists side, other than attention, if you happen to make it big on NG. I'm not learning anything.

So yeah... I'm going to stick with actual "audio" communities I think. The Audio Portal is a great idea from the flash authors point of view, and I see it like that, but I'm not getting anywhere as a music artist here.

you have a point, i was looking for more techno and most of the songs on the list were shit, and then lower there were good ones

Yeah, I know that this isn't always the case, but a lot of times it is. And it's 100% unfair in these cases.

I'll review your songs. I'm not very good at reviewing music though.

Lol, that's fine. I deleteored all my songs from Newgrounds.

this is true. i don't think any of my songs deserve anything over a 2, but most have 4s. of course, this doesn't mean anything, because, unless a song is over 4.5, no one listens to it. the fact of the matter is, the AP uses the same system as the flash one does. annoying as hell, because the audio portal gets more submissions than it does listeners, sadly. about the only chance for a lot of songs to become popular is to be front page, or to be in a flash game.

Unless it's over 4.41, nobody cares.

And the system is quite different from the flash portal.. There is no save/blam system built in. The reason for this is because there simply just isn't enough voters to have such a system. Although, I do agree with the other things you've said.

So, are you done submitting to the audio portal?

yeah, I think so. I'll stick around NG for the flash portal I think and that's about it.

How's my pic not look GIMPed? Is that good or bad? @_@


I guess I can see your point, I had to go through a lot of shitty artists to find the good ones. It seems like most songs get zero - bombed because people don't like a genre of music like techno against metal and vice-versa. I just hate when really good artists don't recieve recognition (Xenogenocide for example).

Oh also, what did you have against slyguymoves? Before his gear went to shit his stuff was actually pretty good! Ah whatever, it really doesn't even matter.

Exactly. And it's more or less what slyguymoves has against me. He used to hate me, and probably still does.

I do agree that the AP isnt as big as FP, but you have to realize that this is a Flash site, thats where the majority if the traffic goes. That being said I agree, that AP needs its share of the limelight and there are plans for a rehaul.

Yeah, well that's the thing that I've realized. So until the AP starts to mature a bit more, I think I'm gonna stop wasting time for a bit, and head off to actual audio communities where I can learn something.

I honestly love NG, but it definitely has its flaws from a perfect website, like many. Excited for the rehaul though! :)



It indeed is. But I do submit the odd song every now and then for the people who like my music. And I must say, I got into the community, asked people stuff and all, and now compare my first song with my most recent songs...
I didn't learn much from reviews, but from getting in touch with people. But I guess that doesn't count as AP :p

No, and I already know a lot of people here and talk to them on a daily basis on msn for like.. the past year or so. But I guess like I said, the community here is nice, but I really am not progressing as fast as I should be.

It's improved alot from where it used to be. All it can do now is improve more. :-)

You should keep your music on here though. I rate music and I'm not an audio artist.

I agree. I've looked on the web archives to see the old portal... and damn. It as just text pretty much back in 2002.

You're going to make flash?

Yeah, I think so. I'm a horrible animator, but when it comes to actionscript, I pretty much know all there is to know, other than the common conventions -- I'm a very messy coder, but hey... I get the job done, even if it isn't the most efficient way of doing it.

Do you have a new MSN address?

Nope.. Steven@ShiftyAudio.com

N***a you hillarious.



i agree... I submitted an audio loop on 7/1/8, that i created...
and its still under approval until now... :(

I would PM a mod about that. Either B0UNC3, Rig, LJCoffee, Denvish, Karco etc. Just to see what's going on. You may have been banned.

I wish they would incorporate the exp points system into the AP somehow. T'would be nice ;)

You know... I have no clue why it isn't part of the AP, but I think, like Mindchamber said above, this is a flash website, not an audio website. Putting the exp system into the AP may draw people away from the FP.

Yeah, the AP is such a joke....Especially people who steal songs and claim it as their own.

I also must have forgotten the time and place where you were deemed an authority on what makes good music. Your opinion, my opinion, or a crusty old teacher from Juilliard's opinion isnt more valid than a 13 year olds opinion when it comes to rating a song just for listening pleasure.

No, the rating is. I'm not talking about people who steal, or rip off midi's (although I must say, the VG section is about 90% of this). And it's not the fact that people who legitimately think that a song is horrible and rate 0 or 1. It's the fact that many people will literally just go about voting 0 because they want their songs to be featured on top 30 or whatever. I realized this is very unfair, and I've thought about it a lot. I've also realized that many of the people here aren't very experienced when it comes to audio production. And I'm just saying, considering that I'm not learning anything from the crusty old teacher from Juilliards. I've decided to stop submitting here entirely.

This isn't about what I think of the AP, I'm telling you straight facts: I'm not getting anywhere here. Whether you are, or anybody else is, good for you, but I'm saying that I'm not.

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